My friend here kept asking me all the time.."Az, bila u usually update your blog kan?"
so this was my answer, i usually blog about yesterday... that's means, what you see today is yesterday story, i know it's kinda~ late (-.-") i prefer like so, cause my internet stuation as well my time night. Usually i when back home like 9-10 pm due work at the office lah, f lots to do... longger the time. As i back from work i do my household shower then when to sleep... seems i don't have time to do my update and newly stroy and i think the next day during my lunch or tea time is my best time to post my yesterday stroy.
Okei... yesterday....Tuesday when back to my reality life as web gov managment/Photograher, i can't believe my eyes, their's lots of letters, memos, phoot magazine... my birthday greathings and lots more... i was SHOCK (*unable to take picture, i forgot my camera), are people knew that i am away?... ehhmmm i guess their don't know... ehhh .. Anyway all day i clearing up all my thing, from yesterday and today i didn't walking out arounf the office yet, i soo busy cleaning..
Lunch time my boy asking me ut for lunch, i miss having time with him... we really do have a great time, we when to the restaurant call 'Millennium Fast Food/ Restaurant'. As i know from him why it's Fast Food/ Restaurant cause their atcually run the Restaurant beside the fast food...

and yea... i have to want for my order

Finally my oder came. Doesn't tooks so long, it took probably 3-5 mins and it's healty for you too.. why it's healty? i order Lean Spicy Grilled Chicken Buger. The chick were so moist, spicy slightly sweet and sour taste, and plus the bus are's about 150 calories and IT'S A HEALTY BUGER which are the most request order. No wonder everyone love it... cause i LOVE IT too... i might come again.
Later the afternoon around a friend asked me to i like to come see and play badmation, so well i miss lots activity here, so i join them..
